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Tutoring Courses

Enseño: funciones, límites, derivados, integración, seq y series (todas las pruebas), vectores, 3D, integrales de línea + superficie, y más.

I teach: functions, limits, derivatives, integration, seq & series (all tests), vectors, 3D, line + surface integrals, and more.

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I teach all levels of calculus, using example sheets and course notes from Cambridge University, as well as my own plans that I devised during my studies.

Public place
Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€18.00 [~$19.41]
2 students€14.00 [~$15.10]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.79]
Mathematics Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Mathematics Teachers Charleroi
Mathematics Courses in Charleroi / Online

Mathematics Lessons for All Levels

Cours de mathématiques pour tous les niveaux

Teacher: Jovanyl GUIFFO KENGNE (Charleroi / Online)

Speaks French, English

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High school math classes can seem particularly complex for some people. This is most often due to the fact that certain elementary and essential notions have been poorly understood initially. With me master concepts such as equations and inequalities, trigonometry, study of functions and statistics.

Les cours de mathématiques peuvent sembler complexe pour certaines personnes. ceci est le plus souvent dû au fait que certaines notions indispensables ont été mal comprises à la base. Maîtrisez les notions comme les équations et inéquations, trigonométrie, étude des fonctions, statistiques.

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Durant mes cours, nous commenceront généralement par un rappel sur la notion que nous abordons. nous pourrons ensuite corriger des exercices et prendre le temps de résoudre tes difficultés. de manière générale, je te proposerai quelques exercices supplémentaires pour consolider tes acquis.


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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$20.00
2 students$15.00
3 students or more$12.00
Mathematics Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Mathematics Teachers Sao Paulo
Mathematics Courses in Sao Paulo / Online

Tutoriais em matemática

Mathematics Tutorials

Teacher: Chris Young (Sao Paulo / Online)

Speaks English, Portuguese

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Qualquer nível, qualquer objectivo, me liga para ajuda.

Whatever level, whichever course, get in touch and I'll help.

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O meu jeito de ensinar é naturalmente suave. Quero que o aluno aprende conceitos bem e se virar mais forte em matemática, para continuar com curiosidade. Por outro lado se alguém não tem tempo para entender de vagar estou bem acostumado de ensinar matemática de um jeito mais condensado.

Public place
Public place
Public place
Public place

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Hourly rates (BRL R$ / USD $)

1 studentR$100.00 [~$17.35]
2 studentsR$75.00 [~$13.01]
3 students or moreR$60.00 [~$10.41]
Mathematics Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Mathematics Teachers Barcelona
Mathematics Courses in Barcelona / Online

Matemático (12-18yrs)

High School Mathematics

Teacher: Nayim Patel (Barcelona / Online)

Speaks English

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Mis estudiantes van desde estudiantes de secundaria hasta estudiantes que buscan ayuda para ingresar a la universidad, a estudiantes universitarios que necesitan ayuda con sus exámenes.

My students range from high school students, to students looking for help getting into university, to university students needing help with their exams.

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The first (trial) lesson will be to see where you have issues across your subjects, and to then devise a plan for you to tackle your problems and to further enhance your mathematical capabilities.

Public place
Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€18.00 [~$19.41]
2 students€14.00 [~$15.10]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.79]
Mathematics Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Mathematics Teachers Berlin
Mathematics Courses in Berlin / Online



Teacher: Talent Takundwa (Berlin)

Speaks English, German

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Alle Hochschulmathematik, Analysis, Lineare Algebra, Kombinatorik, real-Analyse, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik, Finanzmathematik und Computer-Programmierung in Java, C ++ oder C.

All high school mathematics, calculus, linear algebra, combinatorics, real analysis, probability and statistics, financial mathematics, and computer programming in Java, C++ or C.

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Enthusiastic, at the student's pace.

Public place
Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€20.00 [~$21.57]
2 students€15.00 [~$16.18]
3 students or more€8.00 [~$8.63]
Chemistry Teachers Charleroi
Chemistry Courses in Charleroi / Online

The keys to success in chemistry

Les clés du succès en chimie

Teacher: Jovanyl GUIFFO KENGNE (Charleroi / Online)

Speaks French, English

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Often neglected and often misunderstood, chemistry is becoming more and more important in the development of secondary education. It therefore becomes essential to be equipped for the exercises. whatever your class and your level, don't hesitate to register for my courses to boost your level.

Souvent négligée et souvent mal comprise, la chimie devient de plus en plus important dans l'évolution du cursus secondaire. Ainsi il devient indispensable d'être outillé face aux exercices. quelque soit ta classe et ton niveau, n'hésite pas à t'inscrire à mes cours pour booster ton niveau.

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Durant mes cours, nous commenceront généralement par un rappel sur la notion que nous abordons. nous pourrons ensuite corriger des exercices et prendre le temps de résoudre tes difficultés. de manière générale, je te proposerai quelques exercices supplémentaires pour consolider tes acquis.


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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$20.00
2 students$13.00
3 students or more$10.00
Chemistry Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Physics Teachers Charleroi
Physics Courses in Charleroi / Online

Physics lessons for secondary school

Cours de physique pour le secondaire

Teacher: Jovanyl GUIFFO KENGNE (Charleroi / Online)

Speaks French, English

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This physics course aims to prepare you to face your exam. Thus we will talk about concepts such as forces (dynamic and static study, work) the quantity of heat, RLC circuits, radiactivity, oscillating systems, light and many others.

Ce cours de physique a pour but de vous préparer à affronter votre examen. Ainsi nous parlerons des notions tels que les forces(étude dynamique et statique, travail) les quantité de chaleur, les circuits RLC, la radioactivité, les systèmes oscillants la lumière et bien d'autres.

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Etant enseignant depuis plus de 5 ans, j'ai acquis au fil des années des techniques et méthodes particulièrement simple qui peut t'aider à booster ton niveau en physique et valider ton examen avec une bonne moyenne. De plus, en tant que tuteur en ligne depuis longtemps, j'ai une bonne maitrise des programmes luxembourgeois, canadien, français et suisse pour ne citer que ceux-là. Alors n'hésite pas à me contacter et ensemble on explorera l'univers de la physique.


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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$15.00
2 students$12.00
3 students or more$8.00
Physics Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Humanities Teachers Bordeaux
Humanities Courses in Bordeaux / Online

Coaching de vie

Life Coaching

Teacher: Giselle Cara (Bordeaux / Online)

FRTeacher from France. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

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“Le coaching est l’accompagnement d’une personne ou d’un groupe, à partir de ses besoins professionnels pour le développement de son potentiel et de son savoir-faire.” (selon la définition de la Société Française de Coaching)

Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.

A coaching session will typically take place as a conversation between the coach and the coachee (person being coa

Quando relacionado com o coaching, o coach é um profissional qualificado e que utiliza metodologias, técnicas e ferramentas do coaching para o benefício de uma empresa ou de um indivíduo, quer na sua área pessoal ou profissional. O coach trabalha com um coachee (aprendiz ou aluno).

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Coaching is Founded on Confidentiality and Trust

Coaching can be successful only if coachees are able to discuss every aspect of an issue or challenge with their coach. The coach may need to listen to personal problems or private information that must be kept confidential. (Unless, of course, it involves criminal activity or activities harmful to the team, its clients or the organization; or affects the safety and welfare of other people.)


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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€40.00 [~$43.14]
2 students€10.00 [~$10.79]
3 students or more€7.00 [~$7.55]
Mathematics Teachers Calgary
Mathematics Courses in Calgary / Online

Mathematics: Elementary and Junior High

Matemáticas: Primaria y Secundaria

Teacher: Flor Argenti (Calgary / Online)

Speaks English, Spanish

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Mathematics Grade 4 to Grade 9: Time tables, Short Division, Long Division, Patterns, Integers, Decimals, Percentages, Fractions, Operations with Fractions, Statistics, Probability, Data Analysis, Geometry, Word Problems.

Matemáticas Grados 4 hasta Grado 9: Tablas de Multiplicación, División Corta, División Larga, Modelos, Enteros, Decimales, Fracciones, Operaciones con Fracciones, Estadística, Probabilidad, Análisis de Datos, Geometría, Problemas de contexto.

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My teaching approach is this: always explain the theory behind the topic, using examples and real life applications. I adapt my explanations to the student needs, so he/ she clearly understand what I'm trying to communicate. My goal is build the student's confidence in himself/ herself. My motto is: "Anybody can understand Math, if it is properly taught!".

Coffee shop
Coffee shop

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Hourly rates (CAD $ / USD $)

1 student$25.00 [~$17.48]
2 students$18.00 [~$12.59]
3 students or more$12.00 [~$8.39]
Mathematics Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!

I can answer any and all philosophy questions and tutor you in your philosophy homework (or other disciplines, like social studies).

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I am a PhD-trained philosopher. I have a plethora of insight into all sorts of topics, as well as a practical orientation towards everyday life that makes philosophical concepts relatable.


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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$25.00
2 students$18.00
3 students or more$12.00

The best Tutoring Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Tutoring classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Tutoring Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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