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Ukrainian Courses

Ukrainian Teachers Tokyo
Ukrainian Courses in Tokyo / Online



Teacher: Daniel Syrenko (Tokyo / Online)

UATeacher from Ukraine. Speaks French, English, Ukrainian.

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You can have lessons with me to master the Ukrainian language. I've been teaching languages for more than 5 years. Any level is welcomed. You tell me that you want to learn Ukrainian and what your aim is and I adjust the program for you.

Ви можете вчитися зі мною, щоб вивчити українську мову. Ваш рівень не має різниці. Ви кажете мені, що ви хочете вивчити українську і яка ваша мета і я підлаштовую під вас програму. Під час занять можу все пояснювати англійською, французською, російською та японською.

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First of all, I adjust the program to the student's needs, second of all I don't use old books as I creat the program myself which means that we won't learn useless things but important grammar and vocabulary. I try to explain to my students the main logic of the language, I help to understand the way that the nation sees the world, the way the people think while building their sentences all that simplifies the learning process and mekes feel as if you are one of them. Just tell me your aim!


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Hourly rates (JPY ¥ / USD $)

1 student¥1,500 [~$9.95]
2 students¥1,080 [~$7.17]
3 students or more¥720 [~$4.78]
Ukrainian Teachers Vinnytsya
Ukrainian Courses in Vinnytsya / Online

Російська та українська мови для іноземців

Russian and Ukrainian for Foreigners

Teacher: Kateryna Syomochkina (Vinnytsya / Online)

UATeacher from Ukraine. Speaks Ukrainian, English.

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Пропоную індивідуальні курси вивчання українською та російської мови іноземцям. В більшості працюю з починаючими, але можливо скласти програму під Ваші потреби.

Акцент курсу - це розмова, але він так само включає вивчання граматики у простій і доступній формі.

I provide individual Russian and Ukrainian courses for foreigners. Mostly I work with the beginners, but I can also make program in dependence of your requirements.

The speech - is the accent of my course, but it consists also the grammar in simple and clear form.

Предлагаю индивидуальные курсы изучения русского и украинского языков для иностранцев. В основном, работаю с начинающими, но возможно составить программу в соответствии с Вашими пожеланиями.

Акцент курса - разговор, но он также включает в себя изучение грамматики в простой и доступной форме.

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I use individual approach of teaching students, depending on the student's requirements, goals and terms. I have native Russian and Ukrainian languages, that's why I can deliver all the specificity of these two languages and culture of these countries to the student.

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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$25.00
2 students$18.00
3 students or more$12.00


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The best Ukrainian Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Ukrainian classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Ukrainian Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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Proficiency level

Your Ukrainian proficiency level will be evaluated by the teacher according to this framework:

A1 - Beginner:

  • Understands familiar Ukrainian expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of concrete needs.
  • Can introduce him/herself and answer questions about personal details such as the place of residence and belongings.
  • Can hold a simple conversation in Ukrainian if the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

A2 - Elementary:

  • Understands frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance like personal and family information.
  • Can communicate in routine situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar matters.
  • Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and immediate needs.

B1 - Intermediate:

  • Understands the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in everyday situations.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where Ukrainian is spoken.
  • Can produce simple, connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Can describe events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give explanations for opinions and plans.

B2 - Independent:

  • Understands the main ideas of complex Ukrainian text on both concrete and abstract topics.
  • Interaction with native Ukrainian speakers can happen with fluency and spontaineity and without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear text on a wide variety of subjects and expose a point of view given the various options.

C1 - Advanced:

  • Understands a wide range of demanding, longer Ukrainian texts, and recognizes implicit meaning.
  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Can use Ukrainian flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • Can produce detailed, well-structured text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns and connectors.

C2 - Proficient:

  • Easily understands virtually everything heard or read in Ukrainian.
  • Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources and reconstruct arguments in a coherent presentation.
  • Expresses him/herself spontaneously, fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in complex situations.