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Italian Courses Online

Italian Teachers Berlin
Italian Courses Online

Impara l'Italiano!

Teacher: Tiziana Destino (Berlin / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

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Ich bin Muttersprachlerin und biete einen Italienischkurs an: Während meines Unterrichts achte ich gleichermaßen auf das Erlernen und Üben von Hörverständnis, Leseverständnis und der Grammatik der italienischen Sprache. Während der ersten Module erfahren die Schüler mehr über die italienisch Kultur

I articulate each class in 3 sections: conversation, reading, grammar. Through the 2 first modules student approach Italian culture and tackle the use of grammatical structures. All along the 10 classes the topics addressed may adapt to specific needs & interests of the students and their level.

J'articule chaque classe en 3 sections: conversation, lecture, et grammaire. Suivant la préparation et connaissance de culture italienne les 2 premiers modules supportent l'élève a approcher les structures grammaticales. Tout au long des 10 classes les sujets abordés peuvent s'adapter aux besoins et

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I work around the specific interests of the student and approach the learning process in an informal way as part of a natural progress toward understanding. I base my practice on the idea that learning of a language is grounded on the knowledge and familiarity with words and sounds. Central for me is the use of dialogues, from there all elements can be adopted in different contexts.

I was really satisfied about Tiziana´s way of handling our first class: really methodical, she was able to pinpoint right away my strenghts and weaknesses in Italian so we could already make up a plan how our bi-weekly lessons should look like in order to ensure the greatest learning curve!EM, Berlin
Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€24.00 [~$25.91]
2 students€18.00 [~$19.43]
3 students or more€14.00 [~$15.12]
Italian Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Italian Teachers Catania
Italian Courses Online

Lezioni di cultura e storia dell'arte italiana

Italian lessons and history of art

Teacher: Marta Caudullo (Catania / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

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Offro lezioni di cultura italiana. In particolare, affondo sulla storia dell'arte: arte antica (egizia, greca, romana), paleocristiana, medievale, rinascimentale, moderna e contemporanea, italiana ma anche internazionale.

Italian lessons: I would start with presentation to gradually go on with vocabulary (food, shopping, work) and grammar (verb tenses, hypothetical sentences). The aim is to become able to talk about different subjects. Hstory of art is my field and I'll also be glad to share my knowledge of it.

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I try to make things interesting and to put practictal aspects first, using many examples from daily life and teaching the most common language links between words. I generally talk about things that I'm interested in, so that I could share my passions and make things pleasant.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.99]
2 students€15.00 [~$16.20]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.80]
Italian Teachers Palermo
Italian Courses Online



Teacher: Gesualdo GN (Palermo / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English.

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Lezioni per studenti di tutti i livelli, con attenzione a tutti gli aspetti della lingua e della cultura italiana. Conversazione, ma anche esercizi e grammatica, che ti consentiranno di migliorare la tua capacità di parlare in italiano (parleremo di qualunque argomento e correggeremo gli errori).

Lessons for students of all levels, with attention to all aspects of the Italian language and culture. Conversation, but also exercises and grammar, which will allow you to improve your ability to speak in Italian (we will talk about any kind of topic and we will correct the mistakes).

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Ti guiderò nell'apprendimento, metterò a tua disposizione le mie competenze e la mia conoscenza dell'italiano (ho studiato anche il latino e il greco antico). Le mie lezioni saranno personalizzate e finalizzate al raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi. Non insegno ai bambini.

I will guide you in learning, I will put at your disposal my skills and knowledge of Italian (I studied Latin and ancient Greek too). My lessons will be customized and aimed at achieving your goals. I don't teach children.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.99]
2 students€19.00 [~$20.51]
3 students or more€16.00 [~$17.28]
Italian Teachers Austin
Italian Courses Online


Italian level 1 for beginners

Teacher: Roberto Freddolini (Austin / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, Thai.

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หลักสูตรนี้มุ่งเน้นไปที่กลุ่มนักเรียนที่มีความสนใจทั่วไปในภาษาอิตาเลียน ไม่มีความรู้ภาษาอิตาเลียนก่อนเนื่องจากเป็นหลักสูตรสำหรับผู้เริ่มต้นที่สมบูรณ์แบบ

เพื่อให้ได้ทักษะภาษาขั้นพื้นฐานและเพื่อให้ได้ระดับ A1 เท่ากัน

The course is aimed at a wide range of students with a general interest in Italian. No prior knowledge of Italian is required as the course is for complete beginners.

Objectives of the course: To acquire basic language skills and to achieve the equivalent of A1 level.

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A communicative approach is used. All four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) are practiced, with the main emphasis on speaking.

The student engage in interactive language activities according to a syllabus based on systematic grammatical progression.

The student will also be offered guidance in self-study and set optional homework tasks.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (THB ฿ / USD $)

1 student฿1,200.00 [~$35.34]
2 students฿1,000.00 [~$29.45]
3 students or more฿800.00 [~$23.56]
Italian Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Italian Teachers Udine
Italian Courses Online

Learn Italian with Native Speaker for Travel

Impara ltaliano con Madrelingua per i Tuoi Viaggi

Teacher: Ines Stevens (Udine / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, Russian, Spanish.

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This class is for aspiring Italian students that want to travel to Italy for vacation or for work.
I enjoy teaching, speaking and helping others learn languages.
If you are an absolute beginner, don't worry, I will find the best way for you to learn and get results after the first class.

Questa lezione è per aspiranti studenti italiani che vogliono viaggiare in Italia per vacanza o per lavoro.
Mi piace insegnare, parlare e aiutare gli altri ad imparare le lingue.
Se sei un principiante assoluto, non ti preoccupare, troverò il modo migliore per imparare e ottenere ottimi risultati.

Цей клас призначений для студентів-італійців, які хочуть поїхати до Італії на відпочинок або на роботу.
Мені подобається навчати, говорити і допомагати іншим вивчати мови.
Якщо ви абсолютно початківець, не хвилюйтеся, я знайду найкращий спосіб для вас дізнатися і отримати відмінний результат.

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Unique adjustment to each student capabilities and requests.
The teaching method is focused on expanding the knowledge of the language and focus on important speaking and writing.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$35.00
2 students$30.00
3 students or more$28.00
Italian Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Italian Teachers Gatineau
Italian Courses Online

Corso di lingua italiana per debuttanti

Cours d'italien débutant

Teacher: Luigi Carlo Petro (Gatineau / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks French, English.

Course details | Register

1 - Presentazioni
2 - Passato e futuro Essere e Avere.
3 - Articoli, presente verbi in -ARE
4 - Passato e futuro verbi in -ARE
5 - Presente verbi in -ERE
6 - Passato e futuro verbi in -ERE
7 - Presente verbi -IRE
8 - Passato e futuro verbi -IRE
9 - Andare e venire
10 - Preposizioni.

1 - Présentations
2 - Passé e futur Être et Avoir
3 - Articles, présent verbes en -ARE
4 - Passé et futur verbes en -ARE
5 - Présent verbes en -ERE
6 - Passé et futur verbes en -ERE
7 - Présent verbes en -IRE
8 - Passé et futur verbes en -IRE
9 - Aller et venir
10 - Prépositions

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Prima di ogni lezione lo studente mi manderà tre frasi molto semplici a partire dalla materia vista nella lezione precedente, usando questo metodo:

Primo: Scriverà le frasi
Secondo: Farà la traduzione a partire da quello che conosce.
Terzo: Farà la traduzione a partire da quello che conosce
Quarto: Correzione da parte mia e ritorno frasi allo studente
Quinto: Lo studente ricopierà le frasi corrette
Dopo ogni lezione lo studente riceverà del materiale didattico e degli esercizi.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (CAD $ / USD $)

1 student$40.00 [~$27.96]
2 students$40.00 [~$27.96]
3 students or more$40.00 [~$27.96]
Italian Teachers Turin
Italian Courses Online

In Italiano, per favore!

In Italian, please!

Teacher: Anna CH (Turin / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks German, Italian, English.

Course details | Register

Migliora il tuo italiano! Lezioni professionali di Italiano con un’insegnante madrelingua, laureata e con 30 anni di esperienza nell’insegnamento a tutti i livelli.

Improve your Italian! High-quality, professional Italian lessons with a native Italian Professional Teacher with a Master's Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature and 30 years of professional teaching experience at all levels.

Italienisch-Unterricht mit muttersprachiger, zweisprachiger Dozentin mit 30 Jahren Erfahrung im Unterrichten auf jedem Niveau und mit akademischem Abschluss. Direkt aus Italien!

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I am a passionate and highly qualified teacher with a 30-YEAR EXPERIENCE as a PROFESSIONAL FULL TIME TEACHER, and I'm also a person with many interests that I'd love to share with you! I am bilingual Italian-German, and having been raised between two cultures I have an understanding for different cultures, and I am a supportive, encouraging and open minded teacher. Please read my full profile for more info :)

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€50.00 [~$53.99]
2 students€40.00 [~$43.19]
3 students or more€30.00 [~$32.39]
Italian Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Italian Teachers New York
Italian Courses Online

Italian Language & Culture

Lingua e Cultura Italiana

Teacher: Bastianina Campus (New York / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks Italian, English.

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The instructor uses the Cds about Art and Cities, contemporary Poetry and Music to give a full immersion in the Italian Culture. The classes are programmed for: Beginner (vocabulary, rules of grammar), Intermediate (reading, translating), Advanced (music, movies, literature), Conversations.

L'istruttore utilizza Cds sull'Arte e sulle Città, Poesia e Musica per offrire una visione completa della cultura italiana. Le classi sono programmate per: Principianti, (vocabolario, regole di grammatica), Intermedio (lettura, traduzione), Avanzato (musica, film, letteratura). Conversazioni.

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The techniques are essential and effective, and students leave the classes speaking conversational Italian in a very short time. The instructor develops and prints curriculum adapted to her specific teaching method. The pamphlets with the included CDs are created to make understandable the essentials of the Italian Language structure. The Cds about Art and Cities, contemporary Poetry and Music give a full immersion in the Italian culture.


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Hourly rates (USD $)

1 student$49.00
2 students$42.00
3 students or more$38.00
Italian Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Italian Teachers Rome
Italian Courses Online

Italiano. Storia dell'Arte e Italian Style.

Italian language.Art History and Italian Style.

Teacher: Donatella Cialoni (Rome / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks Italian, English.

Course details | Register

Insegnamento della lingua italiana modulato su ogni livello ed età. A seconda delle esigenze, sarà fornito un approfondimento sull'arte, la cultura, le tradizioni nazionali. Si lavora anche con materiale fotografico. Corso di scrittura creativa, per facilitare l'elaborazione del linguaggio.

Full immersion courses of italian Language and Art. All ages and level are welcome.

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I offer a variety of lessons catered to suit your needs and interest and levels. wether you are studying general italian grammar, practicing out your conversation and listening skills, or if you require Italian for a specific reason, such as work, I am able to offer you personalized sessions. I also include useful and interesting information about Italian history of art, culture, traditions for those who are planning to live or study in Italy.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€30.00 [~$32.39]
2 students€25.00 [~$26.99]
3 students or more€20.00 [~$21.59]
Italian Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Italian Teachers Sassari
Italian Courses Online

Italiano per stranieri(da A1 a C2)

Italian for non-native speakers

Teacher: Christina Gagliardi (Sassari / Online)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, Spanish.

Course details | Register

Lezioni d'italiano personalizzate per imparare il lessico e la grammatica, con giochi di ruolo per simulare delle situazioni di vita quotidiana, materiali autentici (brevi testi, video, canzoni, articoli), conversazioni adatte a ogni livello e tanti consigli per un metodo di studio efficace!

Personalized Italian lessons to learn vocabulary and grammar, with role-playing games to simulate everyday situations, authentic materials (short texts, videos, songs, articles), conversations suited to every level, and plenty of tips for an effective study method!

Lecciones de italiano personalizadas para aprender vocabulario y gramática, con juegos de rol para simular situaciones de la vida cotidiana, materiales auténticos (textos breves, videos, canciones, artículos), conversaciones adaptadas a cada nivel y muchos consejos para un método de estudio eficaz.

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Il mio approccio è essenzialmente basato sull'interazione e sull'acquisizione della lingua attraverso l'utilizzo delle strutture grammaticali e dei nuovi vocaboli in contesto. Mi piace anche stimolare l'apprendimento attraverso il gioco, l'utilizzo di più stimoli sensoriali (per esempio visivo e auditivo) e costruire ogni lezione come un confronto tra diverse lingue e culture in cui lo studente è libero di esprimersi.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€18.00 [~$19.43]
2 students€15.00 [~$16.20]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.80]
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The best Italian Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Italian classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Italian Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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What students are saying:

I have taken 50 hours of individual Italian lessons with Gianluca mostly by Skype and I plan to take 50 more. I am an American living and working in Paris and I looked for a teacher with whom I could start learning Italian from French. It took only a few lessons for Gianluca to adapt to my learning style and interests. The lessons are enjoyable, efficient and customized for me. I especially like biographies and I have learned a lot about about famous and not so famous Italians while learning Italian. I recommend Gianluca who will adapt to what you like and what you need. MC, Paris

Francesca is a great teacher. She is very professional and effective at making students understand and correct their mistakes. I look forward to more classes with Francesca.AB, Montreal

I felt very at ease with the teacher.LG, Montreal

Sara è una professoressa bravissima e attenta, chi sa adattarsi ai bisogni del studenteNB, Montreal

Isadora's patience and ability to tailor the curriculum to my specific concerns has been invaluable. More than just being effective the classes have been enjoyable. GA, Malaga

Isadora's patience and ability to tailor the curriculum to my specific concerns has been invaluable. More than just being effective the classes have been enjoyable. GA, Malaga

I have taken 50 hours of individual Italian lessons with Gianluca mostly by Skype and I plan to take 50 more. I am an American living and working in Paris and I looked for a teacher with whom I could start learning Italian from French. It took only a few lessons for Gianluca to adapt to my learning style and interests. The lessons are enjoyable, efficient and customized for me. I especially like biographies and I have learned a lot about about famous and not so famous Italians while learning Italian. I recommend Gianluca who will adapt to what you like and what you need. MC, Paris

Isadora's patience and ability to tailor the curriculum to my specific concerns has been invaluable. More than just being effective the classes have been enjoyable. GA, Malaga


Why learn Italian? If you are into art, music, design, architecture, opera or food, Italian is the language to learn! Italy is one of the leading economies of the world and many foreign companies operating in Italy require that employees speak both English and Italian. Italy is a major player in fashion, interior design, culinary arts, furniture, robotics, electromechanics, transportation and space engineering.

Italian is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful languages in the world, and if you think it is useless, you are wrong! Italian is an official language in Italy, Switzerland, San Marino and the Vatican, and is widely spoken as a second language in countries around Italy, in Australia, Africa, Canada, the US and South-America.

Our private Italian teachers

If you are interested in learning Italian with a qualified Italian teacher, give our courses a try. Our teachers will provide you with a highly personalized learning experience and adapt their materials to your needs. If you are planing a trip to Italy, starting a new job in an Italian company, or simply want to communicate fluidly with an Italian person, we have a course for you. You can take our classes online or in person. Whether you want to take your classes alone or with a small group of friends, our Italian teachers can accommodate your requirements, your preferences and your busy schedule.

Why learn Italian with Multi-Language Cafe?

Attending a regular language school may not be the most efficient way to learn Italian if you have a busy life or your plans often change at the last minute. If you want to study at your own pace and need booking and cancellation flexibility, our courses are for you. Multi-Language Cafe is ideal if you need to contact your teachers frequently to ask questions or advice, if you enjoy studying remotely via the internet or in the comfort of your home, or if you dislike classrooms and you prefer to take your lessons in more interesting locations.

If you want to start learning Italian immediately and if you like the idea of flexible times and flexible locations, consult our list of Italian courses. We are always here to help you find the right Italian teachers, register for their courses and book each one of your classes in their calendars.