Multi-Language Cafe
Multi-Language Cafe
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Dutch Courses Online

Dutch Teachers Mexico City
Dutch Courses Online

Neerlandés en línea


Teacher: Lupina Connectingmexico (Mexico City / Online)

BETeacher from Belgium. Speaks English, German, Spanish.

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Si buscas aprender y ENTENDER el idioma, encontraste en mí tu oportunidad. Clases personalizadas en línea de Inglés, Alemán y/o Neerlandés; explicación en Español. Combinación de conversación, teoría y ejercicios de lectoescritura y auditivos, el material se ajusta a tu nivel y intereses. A1 a C2

Do you seek to learn and UNDERSTAND the language ? Then I'm your perfect option. Individual & personalised online classes Dutch, German and/or Spanish; of course explained in English. Combination of conversation, theory, reading, writing and listening exercices, adapted to your level.

Möchten Sie eine Sprache lernen und VERSTEHEN ? Dann sind Sie bei mir in besten Händen. Individueller und personalisierter Online Spanisch-, Englisch- und/oder Holländischkurs; natürlich mit Erklärungen auf Deutsch. Kombination aus Konversations-, Theorie-, Lese-, Schreib- und Hörübungen.

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Entendimiento, explicación clara, hablar, paciencia

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (MXN $ / USD $)

1 student$400.00 [~$19.66]
2 students$200.00 [~$9.83]
3 students or more$135.00 [~$6.64]
Dutch Teachers Bucharest
Dutch Courses Online

Holländisch für Anfänger

Dutch For Beginners

Teacher: Oana Maria Puciu (Bucharest / Online)

DETeacher from Germany. Speaks Dutch, English, Romanian.

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In diesem Kurs mache ich praktische Erfahrungen mit Fotos und Beispielen aus dem wirklichen Leben. Ich kann das sehr gut erklären und habe eine hervorragende Ausdrucksweise und Geduld. Ich habe einen freien Zugang zum Lernen und kann mich an die Bedürfnisse der Schüler anpassen.

With this course you will learn the basics of the dutch language, after the completion you will be able to have a basic conversation - Level B2 .

Dupa urmarea cursului de baza,se va putea mentine o conversatie in limba Olandeza la nivel - B2

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To this course I take a "hands on" experience with the use of photos and examples from real life. I can explain very well and have outstanding diction and patience. I have a free approach to learning and I can adapt to the needs of the students. My methods are unique and I approach learning a foreign language as children learn the language, so there will be no long homework and repeating of phrases with a tape.


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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.99]
2 students€17.00 [~$18.35]
3 students or more€15.00 [~$16.20]
Dutch Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Dutch Teachers Montreal
Dutch Courses Online

Dutch for beginners

Néerlandais pour débutants

Teacher: Chantal Binette (Montreal / Online)

CATeacher from Canada. Speaks French, English, Dutch.

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Néerlandais pour débutants, intermédiaires et avancés axé sur la conversation.

Dutch for beginners, intermediates and advanced oriented on conversation.

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J'offre une expérience interactive axée sur le plaisir, matériel didactique amusant et méthode d'enseignement orientée sur les centres d'intérêts et besoins personnels des étudiants.

I offer an interactive experience focused on the fun, amusing teaching material and methods focused on the interests and personal needs of students.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (CAD $ / USD $)

1 student$30.00 [~$20.97]
2 students$27.00 [~$18.88]
3 students or more$25.00 [~$17.48]
Dutch Teachers Haarlem
Dutch Courses Online

Nederlands voor Spaanstaligen

Dutch for Spanish speaking people

Teacher: María Mercedes De la Peña Brauet (Haarlem / Online)

NLTeacher from Netherlands. Speaks English, Dutch.

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Nederlands voor Spaanstaligen. Instructie taal Spaans. Begeleiding voor de Inburgeringsexamen A1-A2.

Holandés para hispanohablantes. Lengua de instrucción español. Tutoría para el examen de Integración A1-A2.

Dutch for Spanish speaking people. Spanish as instruction language. Tutorial for integration exam A1-A2.

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En el curso utilizo el español como lengua de instrucción. Método que ayuda a trabajar con más efectividad, a trabajar más centrado al objetivo de aprender lo más pronto posible sin perder tiempo en la explicación, por ejemplo de términos gramaticales en holandés. De acuerdo a las necesidades del estudiante el curso puede ser personalizado, atendiendo a las habilidades que necesita el estudiante desarrollar.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.99]
2 students€23.00 [~$24.83]
3 students or more€21.00 [~$22.67]
Dutch Teachers Haarlem
Dutch Courses Online

Spaans of Nederlands

Spanish or Dutch

Teacher: María Mercedes De la Peña Brauet (Haarlem / Online)

NLTeacher from Netherlands. Speaks English, Dutch.

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Spaans voor Nederlanders. De instructie taal is Nederlands. Online les op alle niveaus.
Nederlands voor Spaanstaligen. Instructie taal is Spaans. Online. Niveau A1 - A2.

Español para holandeses. Lengua de instrucción neerlandés. Online para todos los niveles.
Neerlandés para hispanohablantes. Lengua de instrucción español. Online. Nivel A1 - A2

Spanish lessons for Dutch people. Instruction language: Dutch. Online. All levels.
Dutch for Spanish speaking people. Instruction language: Spanish. Online. Level: A1 - A2

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The language of instruction is that of the speaker. This method facilitates the learning process and saves time for the student.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.99]
2 students€16.00 [~$17.28]
3 students or more€15.00 [~$16.20]
Dutch Teachers s-Gravenhage
Dutch Courses Online

Docent Nederlands

Dutch tutor

Teacher: Pelin Cramer Türk (s-Gravenhage / Online)

TRTeacher from Turkey. Speaks English, Turkish, Dutch.

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Hoi. Ik ben Pelin uit Nederland.Ik bied Nederlands voor beginners. Mijn studenten zijn van allerlei landen met verschillende leeftijd en onderwijs achtergrond. Ik geef zowel online lessen als bij een locatie.

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Ik bied steun aan leerlingen met extra studiematerialen om te oefen in het Nederlands. Ze kunnen contact opnemen met mij via Whatsapp of e-mail als ze vragen hebben over de les.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€30.00 [~$32.39]
2 students€25.00 [~$26.99]
3 students or more€20.00 [~$21.59]

The best Dutch Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Dutch classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Dutch Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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What students are saying:

professeur très aimable et relaxante, son cours est bien appuyé par un matériel didactique, ses explications sont claires.JM, Montreal

Professeur très amable et relaxante. Ses explications sont claires et son matériel didactique solide et bien structuré.JM, Montreal