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Courses and Teachers : Greek
What do you like the most about teaching Greek?

I like how people get excited to use it to communicate, travel and understand the culture. Being able to teach someone Greek it's a pleasure because, we can connect on another level. I love teaching and helping people achieve their goals and dreams. I see it from myself, learning different languages changes your perspectives about the world and it is an amazing feeling

When did you start teaching Greek?

About 7 years ago when i was in university

We started our first lesson with an introduction to Greek history and culture. I gave the children name tags, giving them a chance to write their name in Greek and introduced them to the Greek alphabet while also learning their names.

In your experience, what are the most common reasons for wanting to learn Greek?

The similarities in vocabulary, grammar structures, and phonetics create a solid base for language learners. Moreover, the study of Greek enhances your ability to recognize and appreciate the shared heritage and interconnections between various Mediterranean cultures.

How difficult is it to learn Greek, compared to other languages?

Greek is a difficult language to learn, and it's rated the second hardest language to learn by language professors. It's easy to learn to speak simply, but it's quite hard to get it down like a native. It's the rare second language learner who attains native competence.

What aspects of Greek culture are your students usually interested in?

Literature and theatre.

The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

What's the hardest part of being a Greek teacher?

The hardest part these days is that you spend countless hours creating engaging, dynamic and meaningful lessons for it to be railroaded by either a) behaviour, b) admin creating demands on your program beyond the normal ones, c) parents inputting their views on your lessons/classroom.

What's the hardest part of learning Greek?

Pronunciation can be a difficult task when learning any new language. Greek presents a particular challenge in that some letters of its alphabet look similar to English letters, but they are not pronounced the same. For example, 'P' and the Greek 'P. ' Greek's 'P' or rho is closer to the English 'R' sound.

What is your advice for students who are struggling?

Change your routine, your environment, or your study habits

How long does it take to become fluent in Greek?

It will take you between 4 months and a year to learn basic Greek and about 2 to 4 years to learn conversational Greek

In your opinion, what makes some students progress faster than others?

The speed at which individuals learn can vary due to a combination of factors, including: Cognitive Abilities: People have different cognitive strengths, such as memory capacity, processing speed, and problem-solving skills. Those with higher cognitive abilities may learn concepts more quickly.


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Greek: Νέα Ελληνικά

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