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Courses and Teachers : Guitar
What do you like the most about teaching guitar?

I love being a stepping stone to help create new musicians, allowing me to pass on my knowledge and experience

When did you start teaching guitar?

Officially in 2012

In your experience, what are the most common reasons for wanting to learn guitar?

- Play your favorite songs

- Be part of a band

- For composition and recording

- To perform

How difficult is it to learn guitar, compared to other instruments?

Stringed instruments require beginners to resist a little pain. But it depends on how the teacher decides on the teaching materials after assessing the physical strength or restraint of the students.

In learning guitar, It is important to instruct beginners on the shape of the left hand and to be constantly reminded of the ideal palm. How to shape right hand-palm in fingering or how to hold a pick is essential too.

What's the hardest part of being a guitar teacher?

Maintaining a student's love for playing guitar is the hardest part. In general, in 2025, I think how to teach guitar requires student participation to formulate teaching plans. It’s critical to understand what students like and to help students when they are frustrated with something.

What makes a good guitar student?

The degree to which students engage in instrument learning depends largely on how well teachers meet their needs.

What's the hardest part of learning guitar?

How to organize your time to live regularly is the hardest part. The learning curve for guitar is slow in the earliest stages, but gets easier after a few lessons, and slows down again as students enter the world of improvisation.

What is your advice for students who are struggling?

When something doesn't happen in the moment, stop repeating the task and think logically about what the obstacle is.

How long does it take to become good at playing the guitar?

I don't have a single answer to this question.

Suppose someone has all of the following conditions

-Got the right materials

-Listen to the teacher's advice

- When you get stuck, have the mindset that new technology is almost coming

- Play at least 1/2 hour per day

With these, I believe Class 12 can play quite reasonable chords, rhythms and single-note melodies.

In your opinion, what makes some students progress faster than others?

A daily routine rather than a full day a week. Learning an instrument is the same as learning a language. Who can master a language if one only speaks it once a week?


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