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What's the hardest part of learning Spanish?

Multilanguage Cafe (Montreal)

April 29

These are the biggest difficulties in learning Spanish, according to our Spanish teachers.

Carlos Lenci : It is difficult for some learners to accept the differences in grammatical use between Spanish and their mother tongue (when to use subjunctive or indicative). Then the phonetics. Because the pronunciation is not the same in English or French as in Spanish. In Spanish it is pronounced as it is written. This does not happen in all languages.

Diomedes De La Rosa : It will depend on the student. Each student has a different learning style and different abilities. That's why for some people one part of the language is more difficult and for some other the most difficult part is something different. One more thing we should also consider is the student's native language. For example, if one student's native language is French or Italian, grammar is not usually such a big issue as it may be for a person whose native language is English.

Manuel Rodríguez : Irregular verbs are probably the hardest part.

Jorge Sanchez : I've noticed that some Spanish learners struggle with the pronunciation of sounds that don't have in their own native language, for example, English spoken learners struggle with the 'r' sound or the pronunciation of diphthongs (two vowel sounds together). Some intermediate students also find a bit confusing the use of "subjuntivo" in Spanish.

Alejandro Munoz : It depends on the student. Many times it depends on the mother tongue of the student, For some French or Italian people, Spanish is very easy, but for a Japanese, completely new vocabulary can be a bit more difficult to remember. But with motivation and a good guide in learning, there are not many problems.

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