Multilanguage Cafe (Montreal)
April 30
Interested in learning French but the task seems daunting? We've asked our French teachers their opinion about the difficulty of learning French, compared to that of learning other languages.
Antoine Jean-Bressani : Difficult. I have taught English extensively, as well as bits of other languages, and I have to say that the number of details involved in speaking (worse, writing) French is particularly intimidating when looked upon as a whole. But I love to build that edifice slowly. And sometimes my students don’t need to be speaking a faultless French!
Eva Boulnois : I wouldn't say that French is a very difficult language to learn. It does require regular work as any other language and it make take some time for you to learn to the level you want, but if you take one thing at a time, you will get there!
View our courses: French