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Differences in Spanish language and cultures across countries

Multilanguage Cafe (Montreal)

May 1

In this interview we'll explore the fascinating diversity of the Spanish language and culture across various countries. We'll be speaking with five language educators who teach Spanish in different parts of the world. Let's dive in.

How is Spanish from Spain different from that of other countries?

Manuel Rodríguez : It is a bit different in use of personal pronouns and verbs but are able to understand each other.

Alejandro Munoz : Spanish is like a tree Spanish is the trunk and each of the dialects are branches. If you know the trunk you will be able to communicate with all its parts. each country has a particular vocabulary, but Spanish is always Spanish everywhere in the world.

What aspects of Spanish culture are your students usually interested in?

Manuel Rodríguez : Literature, festivals, Spanish Civil war, music, cinema, paintings...

Alejandro Munoz : it depends on the student some are interested in politics, others in the party, others in the food it always depends on the student.

How is Colombian Spanish different from that of other countries?

Carolina Cortes Cruz : According to RAE (the Spanish Royal Academy), Colombian Spanish is one of the most beautiful because we respect grammar rules and also foreigners say that our accent is easy to understand.

What aspects of Colombian culture are your students usually interested in?

Carolina Cortes Cruz : What they can do when travelling in Colombia and Latin America.

How is Dominican Spanish different from that of other countries?

Diomedes De La Rosa : It is very different! Dominican people speak very fast and somewhat cutting the words. For example: instead of "para" we just say "pa" and we usually drop the ending "s" even when they are for plural; and a lot more.

What aspects of Dominican culture are your students usually interested in?

Diomedes De La Rosa : Many of my students like the way Dominican people speak as well as our music, our passion for sports such as baseball and more and more.

How is Mexican Spanish different from that of other countries?

Luis Estrada : My students always say Mexican Spanish is more international and easy to learn and understand while speaking.

Jorge Sanchez : There are differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, slang and even in the use of tenses but ultimately all Spanish speakers would understand each other perfectly. A big difference between the Spanish from Spain and the Spanish in Mexico is the pronunciation of the Z and C (before I or E). In Mexico, these two letters are pronounced 'S', whilst in Spain it's pronounced 'th'; so the word 'cerveza' (beer) is pronounced /serbesa/ in Mexican Spanish and /therbetha/ in Spain.

What aspects of Mexican culture are your students usually interested in?

Luis Estrada : They like to know about celebrations, ancient culture, archeological sites, places to go on vacation, towns and events outside Mexico City.

Jorge Sanchez : In recent years there has been a big interest in the day of the death in Mexico but also they're very interested in the cultural blending between Spanish culture and pre-hispanic civilizations like the Aztecs and the Mayas which as a result created culture and traditions in modern Mexico.

How is Peruvian Spanish different from that of other countries?

Carlos Lenci : Spanish has different variants or forms of use according to the countries and areas in which it is spoken. The Spanish spoken in Peru is included in the Andean variant. It has a fairly clear vocalization and a varied vocabulary depending on the area of ​​origin of the speaker. the coast has a more neutral accent and a more standard vocabulary than the Andean and jungle area.

What aspects of Peruvian culture are your students usually interested in?

Carlos Lenci : The ancestral customs that still survive in the Andean civilizations. such as the use of the irrigation system and the platform system that were built in the time of the Incas. the archaeological ruins of which Machu Picchu is the most famous. The very famous gastronomic variety, religious customs, dance and Andean music and especially the warmth of the people.

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