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Persian Teachers - Gorgan

Persian Teachers in Gorgan >

Danial Kazemi


Country of origin: Iran

Mother language: Persian : فارسی

Spoken languages: English, Persian, Turkish

About the teacher

I fell in love with teaching English as a foreign language in the summer of 2012, when I used to teach during my university holidays. Little did I know then that 7 years later, I would still be as passionate about teaching English as I was that first summer...

Teaching exposes me to a world of different nations, cultures and the greatest diversity of personalities. It has broadened my sociological insight through learning from my learners’ own experiences.....

I often wonder why my colleagues love this profession as much as I do... I never minded doing group classes, but these days I do the one-to-one type most of the time. You build up a very trusting relationship if you do it well…

I have Masters degree in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), and I have two years of experience working in school with kids

I LOVE teaching, To be honest, I am committed not only to the job but also to the overall essence of teaching

I am ready to help the students meet their learning goals,

با عرض سلام و وقت بخیر

آقا دانیال هستم

چنانچه تمایل دارید زبان فارسی یا انگلیسی را به صورت روان و آسان یاد بگیرید

بنده درخدمت شما هستم

و شمارا راهنمایی خواهم کرد

موفق و سربلند باشید


- B.A. In English Language Translation
- M.A. In TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language)
- TEFL, American language institute TEFL training program, Summer 2011


I have Masters degree in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), and I have two years of experience working in school with kids, and 5 years of experience teaching adults. I can teach both English and Farsi to anyone interested in learning these languages.