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Arab Teachers - Barcelona

Arab Teachers in Barcelona >

Samir Bougzir


Country of origin: Spain

Mother language: Arab : العربية

Spoken languages: Arab, Spanish, Catalan

About the teacher

I am Samir, I live in Barcelona, ​​a teacher with a degree in Arabic literature from the Mohamed I University in Oujda, Morocco, with an advanced level Arabic language qualification from the official language school in Drassanas Barcelona, ​​with more than 15 years of experience teaching Arabic in different civic centres in Barcelona and institutes such as BEEI (Barcelona International Studies School), the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures, the Training Express Institute.

I am also an intercultural mediator with a mediation qualification.

أنا أستاذ حاصل على إجازة في الأدب العربي بجامعة محمد الأول بوجدة بالمغرب، حاصل على شهادة لغة عربية مستوى متقدم من مدرسة اللغات الرسمية بدراساناس برشلونة، ولدي أكثر من 15 سنة من الخبرة في تدريس اللغة العربية في مختلف المجالات المدنية مراكز في برشلونة ومعاهد مثل BEEI (مدرسة برشلونة للدراسات الدولية)، ومعهد اللغات والثقافات، ومعهد Training Express


degree in Arabic literature from the Mohamed I University in Oujda, Morocco, with an advanced level Arabic language qualification from the official language school in Drassanas Barcelona, ​​with more than 15 years of experience teaching Arabic in different civic centres in Barcelona and institutes such as BEEI (Barcelona International Studies School), the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures, the Training Express Institute.


Standard Arabic or Fosha and dialect and Tamazight and Spanish and Catalan