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Multi-Language Cafe
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Budapest, Budapest Október huszonharmadika utca 8-10., fszt. (Váli utca felőli bejáratnál, 1117 Hungary


English Teachers Budapest
English Courses in Budapest / Online



Teacher: Simon Hill (Budapest / Online)

USTeacher from United States. Speaks English.

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Az angol társalgási programom 10 egyórás órája során élénk vitákat folytatunk olyan témákról, amelyekben mindketten egyetértünk, így interaktív és kényelmes tanulási környezetet biztosítunk. A foglalkozásaink során valós idejű nyelvtani és kiejtési javításokat fogok ajánlani.

Over the course of 10 one-hour classes in my conversational English program, we'll engage in lively discussions on topics we both agree upon, providing you with an interactive and comfortable learning environment. During our sessions, I'll offer real-time corrections for grammar and pronunciation.

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This class stands out due to my American background, offering insights into unique English phrases and cultural context. You'll explore idiomatic language, regional dialects, and the fascinating stories behind expressions, enriching your language skills in an engaging way.

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Hourly rates (HUF Ft / USD $)

1 studentFt5,500.00 [~$14.93]
2 studentsFt2,750.00 [~$7.47]
3 students or moreFt1,833.33 [~$4.98]
English Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
English Teachers Budapest
English Courses in Budapest / Online

ÜZLETI ANGOL (középhaladótól haladóig)

BUSINESS ENGLISH (Intermediate to Advanced)

Teacher: Simon Hill (Budapest / Online)

USTeacher from United States. Speaks English.

Course details | Register

Ezen a tanfolyamon üzleti témák széles skáláját járjuk körül az „Üzleti partner” tankönyv segítségével (alap, középhaladó, haladó). Tíz egyórás foglalkozás olyan létfontosságú területeket fed le, mint a stratégiai tervezés, a tárgyalások és a HR-menedzsment, munkafüzet és házi feladat segítségével.

In this course, we'll explore a wide range of business topics using the "Business Partner" textbook (basic, intermediate, advanced). Ten one-hour sessions will cover vital areas like strategic planning, negotiation, and HR management, supported by a workbook and homework.

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My course distinguishes itself through a unique blend of tailored content using "Business Partner" across various levels. We cover vital business topics like strategy, negotiation, and HR in an engaging and fun yet intensive manner. With the inclusion of workbooks and practical homework assignments, we ensure a comprehensive and enjoyable business English learning experience.

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Hourly rates (HUF Ft / USD $)

1 studentFt8,000.00 [~$21.72]
2 studentsFt4,000.00 [~$10.86]
3 students or moreFt2,000.00 [~$5.43]
English Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!

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