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Learn Portuguese Valladolid
Portuguese Courses in Valladolid / Online

Fala, Brasil!

Teacher: Mariana Martins (Valladolid / Online)

BRTeacher from Brazil. Speaks English.


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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€20.00 [~$21.59]
2 students€18.00 [~$19.43]
3 students or more€16.00 [~$17.28]

Learn Portuguese

Fala, Brasil!

(Brazilian Spoken)

Course description:

Aprenda Português com professora nativa sem sair de casa!
Convido a todos que queiram aprender português do Brasil de forma leve e descontraída. Tereremos prática de conversação, estudo e exercícios de gramática.

Learn Brazilian Portuguese online with native teacher from Rio de Janeiro!
I invite everyone who wants to learn Portuguese to join and try a class for free. We will have practices in listening and talking, grammar exercises, etc. Everything in a relaxed way. The schedule? The best one for you!

Teaching approach:

Com aulas via Skype o aprendizado é mais rápido e dinâmico. Meu diferencial é o material didático criado por mim especificamente adaptado aos temas de interesse dos alunos.

With Skype classes the learning is much faster and more dynamic. I have as a differential the didactic material prepared and adapted by myself taking into consideration the students’ interesting and needs, making the learning process easier.

Places where you can take this course:

Portuguese classes, Valladolid

A public place you suggest

Portuguese classes, Valladolid

(FaceTime, Skype)

Hourly rates Hourly rates:

Hourly rates per student:

1 studentEUR €20.00 [~USD $21.59]
2 studentsEUR €18.00 [~USD $19.43]
3 students or moreEUR €16.00 [~USD $17.28]

* Plus EUR €3.00 administration fee per class (per student)
* Single-class purchase fee: EUR €3.00 (per student)

Class duration options:

Online: 60 minutes

In person: 60, 90 minutes

Interested in this course?

  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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Mariana Martins

Country of origin: Brazil

Mother language: Portuguese

Spoken languages: English

About the teacher

Aprenda Português com professora nativa sem sair de casa!

Convido a todos que queiram aprender português de forma leve e descontraída a conhecerem nossa metodologia de ensino. Direcionamos nossas aulas de acordo com a necessidade de cada aluno e produzimos material didático personalizado a partir do tema de interesse de cada um. Teremos aulas com prática de conversação, vocabulário e exercícios de compreensão oral e escrita, além dos tópicos gramaticais.


Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Língua e Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2014);
Pós Graduação em Estudos Portugueses na Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2016).

Bachelor's Degree in Portuguese Language and Literature from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2014);
Post-Graduate in Portuguese Studies at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2016).


Ensino Português no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e em Lisboa (Portugal) para estrangeiros.
Meus alunos são jovens e adultos que se interessam pela língua portuguesa, cultura e também português de negócios.

Currently, I live in Lisbon (Portugal) where I teach Portuguese for Foreigners via Skype. Until 2014 I taught Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
My students are young and adults who are interested in Portuguese language, culture and also business Portuguese.

Courses by this teacher:

Learn Portuguese: Fala, Brasil!

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Interested in this course?

  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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