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Learn Music Production Berlin
Music Production Courses in Berlin / Online

Ableton für Songwriter und Anfänge

Teacher: Isabel Otoya (Berlin / Online)

Speaks Spanish, English


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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€17.00 [~$18.35]
2 students€12.00 [~$12.96]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.80]

Learn Music Production

Ableton für Songwriter und Anfänge

(Ableton for Songwriters and beginners)

Course description:

Lerne, einen Song von Grund auf zu produzieren und zu arrangieren, indem du Ableton Live und seine nativen Werkzeuge verwendest

Learn to produce and arrange a song from scratch using Ableton Live and its native tools

Aprende a producir y arreglar una canción desde cero usando Ableton Live y sus herramientas nativas

Teaching approach:

Porque terminarás el curso con un material musical terminado, revisado y listo para que lo uses como desees. También porque me sumerjo mucho en el mundo del estudiante, en sus gustos y en lo que está buscando conseguir con su arte.

Places where you can take this course:

Music Production classes, Berlin

Coffee shop: Am Keuzberg
Am Keuzberg, 98617 Meiningen, Alemania
Music Production classes, Berlin

Office: Gleisdreieck - Skatepark
Kreuzberg, 10963 Berlín, Alemania
Music Production classes, Berlin

A public place you suggest

Music Production classes, Berlin

(Virtual classroom)

Music Production classes, Berlin

At home

Hourly rates Hourly rates:

Hourly rates per student:

1 studentEUR €17.00 [~USD $18.35]
2 studentsEUR €12.00 [~USD $12.96]
3 students or moreEUR €10.00 [~USD $10.80]

* Plus EUR €3.00 administration fee per class (per student)
* Single-class purchase fee: EUR €3.00 (per student)

Class duration options:

Online: 60, 90, 120 minutes

In person: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

Interested in this course?

  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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Isabel Otoya

Mother language: Spanish

Spoken languages: Spanish, English

About the teacher

Soy Isa, artista musical. Vivo en Berlin y nací en Perú. Me he formado como compositora, cantante y productora musical en los últimos 10 años y como músico, toda mi vida. Me gustaría compartir mis conocimientos y experiencias.


Bachiller en Composición Musical - Universidad peruana de ciencias aplicadas (2021)
Diplomado en sonido profesional - SONOPRO Barcelona (2023)


Canto, teoría y lectura musical, songwriting, composición y producción musical

Courses by this teacher:

Learn Music Production: Ableton für Songwriter und Anfänge

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Interested in this course?

  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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