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Learn Cello Stockholm
Cello Courses in Stockholm / Online

Cellolektioner (på engelska, svenska eller tyska)

Teacher: Karra Sandin (Stockholm / Online)

SETeacher from Sweden. Speaks English, German, Swedish.


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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr750.00 [~$74.84]
2 studentskr700.00 [~$69.85]
3 students or morekr650.00 [~$64.86]

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Learn Cello

Cellolektioner (på engelska, svenska eller tyska)

(Cello Lessons)

Course description:

Under de första lektionerna kommer vi att fokusera på hållning – hur man sitter med cellon, samt hur man håller stråken (det är svårare än folk tror). Efter 2 eller 3 lektioner är du redo att sätta stråket på strängar och göra dina första ljud. Efter 10 veckor kan du spela några enkla låtar.

In the first few lessons we will focus on posture- how to sit with the cello, as well as how to hold the bow (it's harder than people think). After 2 or 3 lessons, you will be ready to put the bow on the string and make your first sounds. After 10 weeks you can play a scale and some simple pieces.

Im ersten Unterricht machen wir viel mit Körperhaltung- wie man mit dem Cello sitzt sowie ganz viel mit Bogengriff. Im zweiten oder dritten Stunde legen wir zum ersten mal der Bogen auf die Saiten und ersten Ton machen. Nach 10 Wochen können Sie Tonleiter und Ihre erste einfache Stück spielen

Teaching approach:

One could say my approach is a mix of methods. I am a former student of the great pedagogue Irene Sharp, and I have also completed 10 courses in Suzuki pedagogy. I rarely stick with just one method, rather I mix them and add a few things of my own. I accept students of all ages from 4 up and all levels. However, I am only willing to teach adults online. For Young children, I lean more toward the Suzuki method, which means a) a parent must be at lessons, and b) there will be required listening

Course program:

Regular Inspiration and discipline are neccessary to learn any Instrument. I expect to teach all my students once a week one on one.

Places where you can take this course:

Cello classes, Stockholm

Studio: my office
Agnes Arvidssons Gata 13
Cello classes, Stockholm

Office: skype
ask me
Cello classes, Stockholm


Hourly rates Hourly rates:

Hourly rates per student:

1 studentSEK kr750.00 [~USD $74.84]
2 studentsSEK kr700.00 [~USD $69.85]
3 students or moreSEK kr650.00 [~USD $64.86]

Trial class Trial class: minus 50% promotional discount

* Plus SEK kr30.00 administration fee per class (per student)
* Single-class purchase fee: SEK kr30.00 (per student)

Class duration options:

Online: 60 minutes

In person: 60 minutes

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Karra Sandin

Country of origin: Sweden

Mother language: English

Spoken languages: English, German, Swedish

Fantastic teacher! Very experienced, patient, friendly and attentive! I look forward to future lessons!PK, Stockholm

Karra is a fantastic teacher! Very experienced, attentive, friendly, patient and encouraging. So far I have had two lessons via Skype with her and as complete beginner I appreciate that Karra spends a lot of time correcting my posture and explaining me in detail how to sit with the Cello. She also showed me different exercises with a pencil which will prepare me to hold the bow correctly. I look forward to future lessons and I can highly recommend her as a teacher!Petra, Stockholm

About the teacher

Jag är en erfaren cellolärare från USA med utbildning i Suzukimetoden (Suzuki Association of the Americas) och jag erbjuder privatundervisning för elever i alla åldrar 4+ och på alla nivåer.

Mer om mig:

Karra började spela piano vid sju års ålder, men från det första tillfället hon hörde ljudet från en orkester, visste hon att hon var menad att spela ett stränginstrument. Hon började sina cellostudier vid 11 års ålder och blev tre år senare antagen till San Francisco Conservatory och San Francisco School of the Arts. Karra Sandin har avgångsbetyg från the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (vilken numera heter Idyllwild Arts Academy) där hon var elev till John Walz. Hon har en musikerexamen (Bachelor of Music) från San Francisco State University (där hon studerade intensivt med the Alexander String Quartet), en akademisk examen (Artist Diploma) från Brandeis University, och en mastersexamen i musik (Master of Music) från University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ich bin eine erfahrene Cello Lehrerin aus den USA und biete Unterricht für jedes Niveau und Alter. Ich habe an der San Francisco State University, Brandeis University, und der University of Illinois am Urbana-Champaign mein Studium mit Abschluss Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, und Künstler Diplom erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nach meinem Studium an den Universitäten habe ich eine sechs jährige Ausbildung bei Irene Sharp als auch zehn Kurse in Suzuki Pädagogik absolviert.

I offer cello lessons for students of all ages and levels within the Stockholm area (ages 4 and up, and yes, adult students are welcome), as well as piano lessons at the beginning and intermediate levels.

A little about me:

Karra Sandin began studying piano at the age of 7, but from the first time she heard the sound of an orchestra she knew she was meant to play a stringed instrument. She began her cello studies at the age of 11 and gained acceptance to the San Francisco Conservatory and the San Francisco School of the Arts 3 years later. Mrs. Sandin is a graduate of the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts. She went on to earn a Bachelor of Music degree from San Francisco State University (where she studied with the Alexander String Quartet), an Artist Diploma from Brandeis University, and a Master of Music degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her cello teachers include Irene Sharp, Laurien Laufman, Rhonda Rider, Sandy Wilson, Carol Rice and Ira Lehn.


Bachelor of Music, San Francisco State University, class of 1999.

Artist Diploma, Brandeis University, class of 2000.

Master of Music, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, class of 2002.


Cello Lehrerin, Freie Musikschule Potsdam, 2013.

Cello teacher, San Francisco Community Music Center, 2006-2010.

Cello Teacher, West Portal Lutheran School, 2009-2010.

Privat Cellolehrerin, 1989.

Courses by this teacher:

Learn Cello: Cellolektioner (på engelska, svenska eller tyska)

Learn Piano: PIanolektioner

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    • Attend your classes and start learning!

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